It Takes a Village

SPIRITUALITY | June 7, 2019

Read time: < 1 Minute

No one person is skilled enough in each area to single-handedly bestow the gift of success upon a child. It takes a team to raise a child and this holds true across the board for any level of learning difficulty.

If you look on the front page of the DMA website you’ll see the phrase, “Divine Mercy Academy can teach kids who ‘learn differently’ to succeed academically, socially, personally, and spiritually.” The lens through which we see each student recognizes that learning is a complex puzzle that requires the spirit, the mind and the body to work together as one. No one person is skilled enough in each area to single-handedly bestow the gift of success upon a child. It takes a team to raise a child and this holds true across the board for any level of learning difficulty. Let’s take a look at the different members of the team that are important roles in the development of our students.


Teachers - “The Mind”

Teachers play such a huge part in the development of kids and at DMA they understand that every kid develops at a unique pace. This is why we are implementing our individualized learning approach. The teachers are the lead on the academic front and will also help facilitate different learning environments that help kids grow on the social and personal fronts.


Parents - “The Body”

Everything begins with the family. Parents must understand that they are twice as important to the educational, social and personal development of their kids as any school can be. Once the kids leave school and go home it is up to the parents to continue the environment that is helping their kids succeed in school. This means understanding how their child learns, what exercises help stimulate activity and function in their child’s brain, how they can contribute to the growth of their child’s interpersonal skills and most importantly their spiritual lives. The parents certainly have the most on their plate at all times and that’s why they are “the body” of the child’s growth plan. You may not be as qualified as a trained professional educating your child in the classroom, but, it’s imperative to maintain that level of growth beyond the classroom and into the world.  


God - “The Spirit”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. The Catholic Faith is at the foundation of everything we do. This means inviting God into every waking moment of your child’s life. Whether it’s getting ready for school, learning in the classroom or spending time in the chapel, he is there.


This was a short but sweet blog reminding us that it’s never just one person’s job to raise a child. It takes the common responsibility, knowledge, sacrifice and prayer from a community that wants nothing more than to see each child succeed. We at DMA are committed to being the village.

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